for the future...

This year is going to be sweet. I'm sure of it. It started off with the coolest party ever. If you weren't there you really missed out. Great food, Awesome people, good laughs, and Ryan smacking himself in the face with my shoe accidentally.

I'm really not one for New Year's resolutions. The way I see it why only have goals for yourself once a year. I find myslef continuously having some sort of goal for myself. Whether it be drinking at least three espresso drinks in a day or totally redirecting the course of my life to follow Jesus, I seem to always have something I'm pursuing.

I want to finish this Vancouver experience up and take from it all that God desires me to leave here with. I want to know what it means to really be in Community with others. I want to know and gain more direction about what it means to really love people. I want to discover what it means to really listen to my God, wife, and to others. I want to be a catalyst of change here and in Cincinnati. Those are just a few of the bigger things going on in my head at the moment.

Spending less on nonsense is something that I desire for my life. Our journey in Vancouver has been a great lesson in spending less and being more disciplined. I feel like I should commit to not spending any money on new clothes this year and just buying second hand or accepting donations of clothes from people.

I want to perfect the art of beer making, wine making, and all that there is to know about coffee. These things make me happy. Not only becuase they taste good and I love the smells and aromas that come from these beverages. I also love the fact that these things bring people together to just enjoy life. I like stuff like that.

Gardening and living a more self sustaining life also intrigues me and I want to continue exploring ways to incorporate that into my life, rather than living a life of convenience and business. I want to be more balanced with my time.

I want to be more creative and notice more beauty that surrounds me all the time.

I will stop rambling for now.


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