date with the balcony

Another great weekend has gone by quickly and I am left wondering and anticipating a new week ahead. Time really goes so fast here it is amazing to me. I am desperately trying my best to enjoy each moment we are here and get whatever God wants me to take away from this place.

I have the greatest father in law ever. A couple weeks ago I received a few of my favorite cigars in the mail from the good ole' boy and it made me grin from ear to ear. They are so tasty. They might make you smell a little bit, but luckily God blessed me with a woman who likes those brown turds. The big man really does take all the details into consideration. What am I talking about? yummy. I can just relax and ponder life's big questions with one of these babies while sitting out on the balcony. It is great. One of the big, really big questions I am constantly thinking about is why am I here? In Vancouver that is. I don't feel like I am doing anything miraculous for the Kingdom of God most of the time. So what the heck. What am I doing besides trying to maintain my sanity most of the time? Not that I'll ever really figure out all the reasons why God would have us come so far away from home without anything but faith. The best I can figure lately is that a big reason for us here is to help in restoring dignity to so many here who have been hurt and shamed for most of their lives. Making people feel valued and hopefully even worthy of love. That is awesome. I am glad to be a part of it.

1 Comment:

  1. Reverb said...
    Mmm...those babies look good. I need a good cigar soon. I say we commit to smoking no less than one cigar a week together when you get back.

    Oh, and there's nothing too wrong with my face. That photo is from a couple months ago when I got my face all jacked up at dodgeball. Believe it or not it actually looked much worse than that for a while!

    I need to post something about that since I need to figure out what to do about my face...I still have a damn black eye! It's been months already. What gives?

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