This morning Carrie and I went for a jog at a nearby park with a dirt track going around it. It was so beautiful. There was a light breeze, the sun was out, and there were people all around enjoying life. There were people walking their dogs and children playing soccer. Other folks were out walking with no agenda. What is so great about Vancouver is that there are people from all over. I could hear the soccer coach yelling out commands to his team and I could tell he was from some South American country. It was great to see all sorts of people from so many different nations enjoying the Saturday morning.
This made me think of Jesus saying that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. I think that at certain moments or points our world and heaven overlap and we can almost seem to smell something perfect. One other group in the park this morning that I failed to mention was a group of special needs people or handicap enjoying the beautiful day with a little bit of exercise. They were being led through a few stretches and a light jog around. It made me feel like nothing else matters in the world. At that moment all of the darkness had lifted and things seemed to almost taste sweet. I love it when that happens.


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