guy time

As some of you may know, in recent past a dear friend of ours left the community in Vancouver to embark on another direction in life. That event stirred a lot of different things in me for many reasons I feel. I was really amazed what God did with our four months living and journeying together. I was blown away with how differently we can care for someone when we live in close quarters with them. Any way, what I'm getting at here is that since our friend left our immediate community life here I have felt a large void since I am the only male presence here. I am finding that I am having a hard time with this.
So how does this change things for me exactly? I feel that I need to create more close relationships with other guys. I probably should have done this before now, but I am finding just how imortant it is to have other outlets and influences that are good solid guys. As men we need our guy time to just hang out or drink a good beer. I also find that I must take another look at my relationships with the women in our community. All of a sudden I feel like an outcast amongst all this estrogen. Women are great, but I just feel like there are barriers that as a man I can't cross. This poses an interesting question when living in a community. How much do you share between a married man and single women in a community? This means like emotions and struggles and such. I don't know why it took me being the only guy here to think about these questions, but I guess I always had another guy to bounce things off of.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Your friend left your community, but should not have left your reach. I think you should continue to talk (web, phone,etc) because he may also be having a hard time. He also knows your situation and is in a position to relate. Glad you recognize your need for male bonding...please find a way - as this is imperative for your happiness there.

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