another mark on my list of firsts.

Today I ventured into something new on my list of things that I can do okay. On Thursday I led worship for the first time. It was crazy. I really enjoyed it. It was definately difficult because I am not the most musically talented dude on the planet. I felt that if it were going to be the least bit engaging and not distracting it would have to be led by the holy spirit. I feel that it was. I did make many mistakes, but hopefully it wasn't too bad.

I am learning that I am fighting myself in so many ways. Feelings of inadequacy keep me from doing or trying so many things in life. That is a shame. I should not buy into those lies. None of us should. We would never do anything. There are so many biblical examples of people who are not adequate but God uses them anyway. Look at the disciples and how they were not the best of the best to follow a Rabbi. Not even close. Or Moses who felt that he was not good enough to speak to people and God was angered badly. It says in Exodus that God's anger burned. Ouch. I wouldn't want to tick God off like that. Although it is hard, if God is calling us to do something let's not let ourselves get in the way. Easier said than done I know.


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