It's decided, I'm a Sensate

This weekend I seem to have come up with another dose of this sickness that keeps going around. I don't know about anyone else but I get pretty cranky when I get sick, especially when I can't breath. My head is so full of snot it is affecting my brain. Despite my cranky attitude my wife chooses to love me by running out and getting me food, drugs, neti pot. All the essentials.

Any way I really cannot stand not being able to use my sense of smell or taste. They are absolutely useless right now. I have been reading this book about discovering your God language and how I really build intimacy with God. I knew right away physical touch was out of there... Or is it? Touch is one of our senses. I knew it, physical touch can be a God language. I have recently discovered that I most often experience God's goodness through my senses. This would affirm the fact that good coffee, wine, cigars, and chili are not just food and beverages, but they are spiritual experiences. Recognizing this about myself has been helpful in understanding why I like the things that I like. I knew right away that my wife is not a sensate because she can actually eat poop. You should see what she makes for breakfast; nasty.

Other Spiritual Temperaments include:


Any Idea what you might be?


  1. Reverb said...
    Hmm...this is interesting.

    I'd probably have to read the book to figure out what I am. I want to, I want to!

    Sorry you're still sick. I know the feeling. I was sick for over 6 weeks recently and I was about to go postal.
    Ryan Allen Doan said...
    I was thinking that you most likely fall into the Sensate category as well.
    carrie doan said...
    yeah well this wife that eats poop happens to make some of your favorite dishes.

    I'll stick with my Activist/Caregiver traits. And FYI, I like my breakfast poop.

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