Here in Vancouver we are finishing up the imagination section of our study here. What the heck is that? Well to put it simply we are trying to tap into the visions God puts on our hearts for our future. Thinking big is something I don't feel like I do a good enough job of all the time. One of our selected readings comes from the famous redneck theologian, Shane Claiborne.Reading this just might put crazy thoughts in your head that could ruin your comfortable life. This is just a great read and who knows, it might just stir some imagination up inside. To me this book is a great example of someone who just doesn't settle for the norm. Shane has some great stories of love, passion, grace, and all sorts of things that I haven't really begun to scratch the surface of on my journey to become more like a disciple of Christ. It gives me some ideas of things to work toward. If you do decide to pick it up at some point just don't get overwhelmed. This book is easy to get frustrated with because he does some pretty crazy stuff, but just take what you can from it. Pray for God's leading in what you should really take note of and what you shouldn't concern yourselves with. Otherwise just enjoy. He has a fun and humorous writing style.
One of the coolest things we have done in the last month is get busy writing down drafts of the vision God has put on all of our hearts for our future and the future of our community. So here it is ladies and gents. My vision statement.
I see my family embracing a community living
environment and being a place of refuge, giving, and
hospitality in the city of Cincinnati.
My vision is that together we will use our gifts,
talents, and resources to bring diverse groups of
people together
to create unity and relationships that break through
racism and hatred. I have vision of community that
comes together to create an environment that allows
people to get to know one another despite what color
they are or how much money they make.
I believe that God wants to use my relational gifts in
a place where I am meeting new faces and continually
serving close relationships.
I am committed to seeking God's heart for my future and
what it means to love my neighbor.
This is what I see in the future for my life and the world. This is exciting because I don't have any idea how these things are going to really happen, but it will somehow and I'm excited to see how I will be a part of this change and transformation in the world.
Who ever said this Jesus calls us to lead a boring life. I think we should take another look at the bible and read the life that he calls us to. It is anything but boring.
1 Comment:
Awesome. Sign me up too.
January 16, 2008 at 7:23 PM