Things are quickly winding down to the end of our time here in Canada. For the most part it has been good to us. I can do without the bed bugs and getting sick all the time. But there certainly are some things I will miss about this place. I will definitely miss the amazing coffee shops to choose from. I will miss the great views seen everywhere in British Columbia. I will miss the great hiking trails and wildlife that you can reach in a matter of minutes from where we live.
I will miss the Ferry Rides to surrounding islands. It feels like you are on a cruise ship or something.
I will really miss all the eccentric styles of dress walking around this city. You never know what you might see walking down our street here.
The sky train is a great way to get around. I can be to the other side of the city in a couple of minutes. They need one of these in every city. It is too great. You really don't need as many cars with these buzzing around.
I will miss the never ending variety of cultures, foods, and languages that I can experience in a given day. Sometimes I truly forget that I am in North America with so many different cultures all around us.
Gelato is something I wish we could get back home. It is so good.
Other than that all my wants and desires can be fulfilled in the great town of Cincinnati.
I'm sure you all have heard of the amazing planet earth dvd's, but I will testify to their awesomeness. One you start you cannot stop watching these things. Not only are these documentaries beautifully done, they give great insight into what is going on around the world. You should really watch for yourselves. Buy the series and have people over for planet earth parties. That sounds like some kind of crazy cult or something so make sure you give a description of the event.
This is maybe the coolest old lady I have ever met.
The Downtown Eastside
just to give a little context for the neighborhood.
The downtown eastside is known as the poorest postal code in Canada. It is estimated that there are 5,000 injection drug users in this neighbourhood. Some studies purport that 38% of these users have the AIDS virus, 67% have HIV, and that 92% have Hepatitis C. In addition to the intense social problems that follow serious addiction there is also an extremely high number of persons suffering from mental illness in the DTES. 18% of all those diagnosed with mental illness in the province of British Columbia live in the downtown eastside. Many of them also use street drugs. The predominant drugs of choice are heroin and crack-cocaine. Jacob’s Well is located right in the heart of this neighbourhood.
In 1976, at the age of 60, a woman by the name of Pauline Fell began walking the streets in the downtown eastside of Vancouver. Although she was a new Christian she asked God what He wanted her to do with her life, and felt His prompting to befriend people in the neighbourhood. For the next 25 years, almost every day, she faithfully walked the streets and alleys, visited the bars, prisons, local hospitals and hotels where her many friends could be found. She is known to many as “sister” or “mom” and virtually everyone in the downtown eastside respects this elderly woman. She has shown deep and profound love for the people who live here.
In November 2000, while in prayer, Pauline felt God urging her to give her inheritance away before she died. She pondered this and believing that God wasn’t speaking to her about money, she asked what her inheritance was. Immediately she saw in her mind’s eye faces flashing before her, hundreds of faces of the people that she had become friends with over the past 25 years. She realized that the many friendships she had built were a rich inheritance, and that it would be squandered if she didn’t pass them on before the end of her life. Her love for God and for the people of the downtown eastside compelled her to seek out other Christ followers who would simply be willing to be friends with her friends, in the hopes of imparting the love of Christ. Jacob’s Well was directly birthed out her diligence to obey what the Lord had spoken to her heart.
In June 2001 Pauline and a few friends opened the doors of the storefront at 239 Main Street. No one had any clear idea as to what would happen at Jacob’s Well but they had a lot of faith that God would help them sort it out. On opening day Joyce Heron came to see what was happening as she’d heard a bit about Pauline. Having met Pauline, Joyce asked her if she could hang out and walk the streets with her sometime. Pauline agreed and over the next few weeks the two women did Pauline’s usual walk and Joyce was able to meet many of Pauline’s friends. It wasn’t long until Pauline sat Joyce down over a cup of tea in the Carnegie Community Centre and told Joyce that she thought God had sent her to run Jacob’s Well. Joyce agreed and although there wasn’t much to run in those early days she had a lot of vision and passion for what it could grow into. Friendships were formed, a community began to take place, and our life together has evolved into a family of friends learning to know one another and God. Pauline has since turned 91! She continues to live and walk the streets of vancouver throughout the week to love, encourage, challenge and pray for those she meets. She is delighted to see that so many people are honestly building friendships with the ones she so deeply loves.
This is truly someone with some prophetic imagination. Some of my favorite memories while in Vancouver have been listening to Pauline talk about her loved ones in the neighborhood and what great people they are. She often communicates her vision of a revival that will happen right there and how glorious it will be. We need more people like Pauline thinking big and envisioning what will happen in the future to give those around her hope and excitement about working toward something better.
Yesterday, we were supposed to go somewhere to reflect on what God is doing with our lives. I chose to get out to the Vancouver Aquarium. Since being home and going to the Newport Aquarium with Ryan and Allison I have been chomping at the bit to get over to see this. I must say it was awesome. Packed, but awesome. Apparently it was some sort of special weekend where diving companies were doing special things there, but that didn't ruin my fun. I saw things that my eyes have never seen before. It sort of reminded me of my childhood sea world memories.
I loved the dolphin shows and the whale shows. The otters were cool too. They even had a huge sloth hangin out in a tree. But I think some of my favorite things to just stop and watch are the different jellyfish. Those things are so neat to look at.
All in all, I think that I think about my life enough. It was much needed to just go and do something fun. I had a great time by myself, just observing crazy creations of God.
For our community breakfast yesterday we took a field trip to a little place called bons. No where else can nine people eat a huge breakfast with enough left over to feed a village and get away for twenty eight dollars. It might not be good for you but it sure does taste good and has a great ambiance. Some would disagree. Bons is not for everyone, but I like it. So that was breakfast for lunch I got another pleasant surprise.
Deric had heard about this new mexican restaurant that had just opened. Mexican food in Vancouver is pretty scarce. And if you do find some it is probably nasty. So we went and it was wonderful. I even tried something I have never even heard of before. It was called a pupusa. You really can't go wrong with cheese, beans, and pork covered in cornmeal.
It tasted amazing. I know that we men are fairly easy to please. I'm glad it's that way. My whole day is changed by some great food or some coffee or a back massage. I love being a simple minded human being.
Here in Vancouver we are finishing up the imagination section of our study here. What the heck is that? Well to put it simply we are trying to tap into the visions God puts on our hearts for our future. Thinking big is something I don't feel like I do a good enough job of all the time. One of our selected readings comes from the famous redneck theologian, Shane Claiborne.Reading this just might put crazy thoughts in your head that could ruin your comfortable life. This is just a great read and who knows, it might just stir some imagination up inside. To me this book is a great example of someone who just doesn't settle for the norm. Shane has some great stories of love, passion, grace, and all sorts of things that I haven't really begun to scratch the surface of on my journey to become more like a disciple of Christ. It gives me some ideas of things to work toward. If you do decide to pick it up at some point just don't get overwhelmed. This book is easy to get frustrated with because he does some pretty crazy stuff, but just take what you can from it. Pray for God's leading in what you should really take note of and what you shouldn't concern yourselves with. Otherwise just enjoy. He has a fun and humorous writing style.
One of the coolest things we have done in the last month is get busy writing down drafts of the vision God has put on all of our hearts for our future and the future of our community. So here it is ladies and gents. My vision statement.
I see my family embracing a community living
environment and being a place of refuge, giving, and
hospitality in the city of Cincinnati.
My vision is that together we will use our gifts,
talents, and resources to bring diverse groups of
people together
to create unity and relationships that break through
racism and hatred. I have vision of community that
comes together to create an environment that allows
people to get to know one another despite what color
they are or how much money they make.
I believe that God wants to use my relational gifts in
a place where I am meeting new faces and continually
serving close relationships.
I am committed to seeking God's heart for my future and
what it means to love my neighbor.
This is what I see in the future for my life and the world. This is exciting because I don't have any idea how these things are going to really happen, but it will somehow and I'm excited to see how I will be a part of this change and transformation in the world.
Who ever said this Jesus calls us to lead a boring life. I think we should take another look at the bible and read the life that he calls us to. It is anything but boring.
As my eyes opened this morning I could see through the blinds that the sun was out in all its glory. This might not sound like a big deal, but to me who has not seen the sun really since being back in Vancouver it was amazing. I knew this was going to be a good morning. Without even eating a quick meal to get me going I quickly got out and about to roam around and just meander around the city. I confess that in all the excitement I just had to get a double americano to accompany me on my journey.
It was delicious. The smell, the taste, and the price. For only a dollar eighty five you can have the finest espresso available. This was also amazing. From here I decided to go to an area called Trout Lake. As I walked I began to appreciate the smell of the air, the sun on my face, and the activity going on around me. Some people were running, others were walking dogs, and so on. It was just amazing to notice so many wonderful things this morning. My senses were completely stimulated and loving it.
The best part of my journey this morning was when I rounded the back of Trout Lake. I turned and faced north and it was the most amazing picture ever. The lake surrounded by trees, houses, the city, and way in the distance was a never ending wall of snow capped mountains. On all of this was the amazing sunlight that I have been longing
This is not the same view but the same direction.
This morning was just a great time to notice and appreciate the small things. People even seemed very pleasant this morning. I actually got a hello or maybe even how are you doing out of passers by. These are truly the precious moments of our days that I hope to hold on to and remember. I love little stuff throughout my days. Big things that happen in life are great, but they may not happen to often. I think that the small stuff happens all the time around us and we aren't looking.
Merry Christmas to me. I love getting nice gifts for me and Carrie and I am the one that benefits. Oh did I say that out loud? Well any way this Christmas my mom got us an ipod. The newly redesigned nano specifically and it is sweet. I am not the most technically savy person on the planet, but I enjoy cool stuff like this once in a great while. The first thing I did with this little beauty was accidentaly put the language setting to Chinese. Woops. Fear not, I eventually got it switched after hours of messing with it.
So the first thing I did when we arrived back in Canada was hop on my computer and download all the music I could fit on this four gig capacity. I did it wrong the first time, so I had to wipe everything off and redo all the settings, but I prevailed over the machine and got a whoping thousand songs on there. What was the first thing I put on there you might ask? You guessed it. Journey's greatest hits. Steve Perry and the band never sounded so good.
I'm still not sure how I feel about walking down the street or riding the bus with these headphones in my brain cutting off the world around me. I am paranoid that I'm going to get knocked over the head or something. But thus far I have enjoyed sitting somewhere like a coffee shop by myself.
Now I have finally acheived coolness.
The Great Pacific Northwest is no easy place to live in the winter months unless you are a vampire. The sun comes out rarely and it rains and it's cold. Not fun. It was nice to be back in Cincinnati although it was colder than it is here, the sun was out and you could get some vitamin D in your skin and feel like a normal human. Coming back to Vancouver has been rough when it comes to the weather. I have really felt a major affect from the gloom.
Our community joined forces with the Jacob's Well community this morning for some good old fashioned worship like we usually do every Thursday. However, today brought with it some extra needs to be praying for. We just found out that a friend of ours named John had overdosed this week and died. I knew John from Community Kitchen and seeing him out on the street. He slept often in front of the Jacob's Well doorway. John was recently in rehab treatment, but quit and happened to overdose. We know his mother as well and pray for comfort for her. She is a great story of recovery and healing and is a pleasure to have around on some Tuesday nights. Then yesterday a woman got ran over by a truck out front of our place and is in pretty serious condition. I can't imagine how terrible I would feel if I ran someone over with a truck. These are just a couple things that have happened thus far this week.
I have noticed that the whole month of December was really tough and people seemed more depressed and angry. I am sure that the holidays brought with it some added saddness for those who have no one or anything good in their lives. Being outside in this weather is pretty miserable. We are so lucky to have a place of comfort and rest. A little sunshine would be nice. I think that might bring some smiles and comfort. I think it would remind people of something better that will come. We are promised resurrection and redemption. Yeah.
This year is going to be sweet. I'm sure of it. It started off with the coolest party ever. If you weren't there you really missed out. Great food, Awesome people, good laughs, and Ryan smacking himself in the face with my shoe accidentally.
I'm really not one for New Year's resolutions. The way I see it why only have goals for yourself once a year. I find myslef continuously having some sort of goal for myself. Whether it be drinking at least three espresso drinks in a day or totally redirecting the course of my life to follow Jesus, I seem to always have something I'm pursuing.
I want to finish this Vancouver experience up and take from it all that God desires me to leave here with. I want to know what it means to really be in Community with others. I want to know and gain more direction about what it means to really love people. I want to discover what it means to really listen to my God, wife, and to others. I want to be a catalyst of change here and in Cincinnati. Those are just a few of the bigger things going on in my head at the moment.
Spending less on nonsense is something that I desire for my life. Our journey in Vancouver has been a great lesson in spending less and being more disciplined. I feel like I should commit to not spending any money on new clothes this year and just buying second hand or accepting donations of clothes from people.
I want to perfect the art of beer making, wine making, and all that there is to know about coffee. These things make me happy. Not only becuase they taste good and I love the smells and aromas that come from these beverages. I also love the fact that these things bring people together to just enjoy life. I like stuff like that.
Gardening and living a more self sustaining life also intrigues me and I want to continue exploring ways to incorporate that into my life, rather than living a life of convenience and business. I want to be more balanced with my time.
I want to be more creative and notice more beauty that surrounds me all the time.
I will stop rambling for now.
Today we got to fly back across country to Vancouver. We feel like zombies as we had anticipated. I must say that our flight from Atlanta to Vancouver was especially awesome today. I got to do some of my favorite things while flying over America, the land of the free and the home of excess and overabundance. I got to do some napping. I got to watch some movies on those sweet little screens they have in the head rests of the seat in front of you. I watched all of Hot Rod, some of Transformers, and about two minutes of the Bourne Ultimatum. It was great. They even served drinks and snacks more than once. I got to enjoy coffee and cookies while watching some great entertainment. That's what I'm talking about. I also got a little reading in while listening to classical music on the headset. Wow. We weren't even in first class. I'm pretty sure we were in the last class.
Being home for two whole weeks was great. We had been anticipating the holidays for six months, which was our last trip home.
Some of the highlights of our time back "home".
Staying up late and watching movies with my mother in law.
Driving my GTO that I would love to get rid of.
Vineyard Westside dinner and services.
Making new friends.
A little nintendo wii action.
Most awesome New Year's Party ever.
Hanging with the Detzels and checkin out our future home.
Newport Aquarium and seeing the Lord's creativity.
Talking about our experiences with friends and family.
Getting to do a little work on the future coffee shop.
Drinking a lot of coffee.
Price Hill Chili.
All in all our time was wonderful. Maybe a little too busy. We can't wait to see where these relationships go in the future.