I love it when God gives me direct answers to direction in life. It doesn't always happen in easy immediate ways, but when it does it makes me excited. So yesterday I was walking and trying to engage God through prayer about direction of one of my places of ministry. I have been feeling a little unsure about one of my places of intentional ministry in the city. There was a lot going into those feelings, but to put it simply I was questioning whether or not my presence was serving a purpose really. This is a place that I physically only spend about two to three hours per week. I have added a lot to my schedule and have gotten really busy since I started there, and ultimately I want to be open to God's leading. So I was talking to God about it. Afterwards I went to this place and it was a struggle. I didn't enjoy it. However, at the end of my time I went for coffee with the lady who runs this place. By the way I am talking about the pottery studio for people to come in off the street and make a wage while learning skills. So we go out for coffee and this lady tells me how important I am there and just how my presence changes the dynamic of the people there. I couldn't believe it. I totally felt that I got confirmation from the big guy. What an answer to prayer. I instantly begin to have vision and excitement for the future of Just Pottery.