Staying at Carrie's Aunt and Uncles his comes fully complete with a stocked refrigerator and pantry. Carrie is fighting with Luke right now to get him to eat one bite of something healthy. It's pretty hilarious. As for myself I'm trying my hardest to get myself to eat something healthy. I have never seen so many frozen pizzas, chips, combos, cakes and many other sugary substances that I love. The only repercussions of me sitting around this house all day and eating these yummy treats is that I feel terrible.
My hat goes off to all the good parents out there. This week my wife and I are watching a six year old and a sixteen year old while there parents are away. It took very little time to realize that this is no simple task. After playing Nintendo Wii and baseball all afternoon and evening, I was one tired pupp. It's kinda weird that the six year old is standing over my shoulder right now watching me type this.
"You would think he would want some privacy or something."- Adam Sandler in Big Daddy.
I'm getting frustrated with the job market here in cincy. In case any of you have any suggestions. I am looking for something part time. Something dealing with people. I would love to do something that involves things I'm interested in. One possibility would be something dealing with Java.
One of my favorite things about getting older is growing hair on my face. Of all the places to get hair, I would much rather be cultivating it on my face than anywhere else. I get great enjoyment from doing different things with it. Maybe I should do something really crazy.
Since I'm not working or trying to impress anyone right now I have the ability to get a little adventurous with my face. Any suggestions?
I truly experienced God in Honduras in many ways. Maybe the most new or profound way was through the children. One little girl in particular.
This is Roxanna.
As all of us guys were hanging out in this area called the Invasion this little girl found me and just wanted held as much as possible. She wouldn't leave even when I felt awkward by not being able to speak to her. But she didn't care she just wanted to be in my presence. I have never experienced someone just wanting to be with me and nothing more. She expected nothing in return, not even words.
Through the rest of the week I was able to meet the rest of her family and communicate and pray with them through the use of a translator. One of the most touching things about Roxanna was the second day we were there she sought me out specifically and ran with arms wide open and a smile on her beautiful face and hugged me. Amazing. It was such a great feeling that I was unworthy of.
In the tenth chapter of Mark's Gospel Jesus says, " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
This past week in Honduras was awesome. Everything I expected and more. One of the things that was really drawing up a need to go on the adventure was the fact that it was a guys only trip. Not that I wanted to be away from my wife of course. I just felt like I needed to reconnect with my masculinity. I knew this experience would be awesome for that very purpose.
All of us guys need good men to surround us. Without it we have some real struggles of fighting the battle on our own. As we served the poor of Honduras we learned how to work as a team and rely on others gifts and talents to be more effective. I love those men.